Ghee and abhiyaas?
October 09, 2011 12:21PM
Bhai Kulbir Singh jeeo, I came across a post of yours on the old tapoban forum, I would just like to ask if you could please elaborate further on the part below:

"Doctors can say whatever they want to say about ghee i.e. it increases cholesterol etc but Gursikhs who japp Naam know that without ghee, Naam abhyaas is harder to do. Consuming ghee (gheo) helps in japping Naam and otherwise too keeps our body strong."

Could bhai sahib and other gursikhs please explain how gheeo helps in abhiyaas?
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Re: Ghee and abhiyaas?
October 09, 2011 09:31PM
There is indirect relation, I think. There is no DEGH, without GHEE; and no ABHIAAS, without DEGH. So there is relation between, DEGH and ABHIAAS.

May be VEER Ji, is also referring to burning of calories while doing ABHIAAS, which need to be replaced.

smiling smiley
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Re: Ghee and abhiyaas?
October 09, 2011 09:35PM
There is indirect relation, I think. There is no DEGH, without GHEE; and no ABHIAAS, without DEGH. So there is relation between, GHEE and ABHIAAS.

May be VEER Ji, is also referring to burning of calories while doing ABHIAAS, which need to be replaced.

smiling smiley
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