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Posted by amar 
November 05, 2010 05:25AM
I have been discussing this topic with gusrikhs but have not had a reply that is satisfying or practical. The topic is about wearing a kirpan. As many would know a certain samparda does not wear a kirpan all the time. A certain "Mahapurkh" of this samprada does not wear a kirpan all the time. I undersand this is wrong as "mahapurkhs" are still not mukht from wearing panj kakar, but the response to this is baba jee doesn't sleep all day and doesn't eat but does path all day. He has reached a level which we havn't got to yet so we have no right to question him which understandable, but are "mahapurks" still in the pank kakari rehat? mahapurkhs like Baba Gurbachan Singh went as far as saying im a kurheti when his kirpan came off him for a minisecond. Then there was a counter argument about we have different "mahapurkhs" and they have their own duties, but still don't given them a right to take off their kirpans. Also Nanaksar give a necklace "kirpan" to bibiyan when they take amrit, isn't this classed as not amritdhari?One main point was that we concentrate on kakars as rehat is important but not on our bani, but we can't compromise kakars can we?

Please can someone give a GURMAT answer which can be understood as my view is Kakars are important and should never leave our body, but this samprada believe it doesn't matter as much.

Thank You
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Re: confusion
November 05, 2010 08:39AM
This is typical behaviour of Sant Corp, the number one question is "Is anyone exempt from following hukams of Satguru Jee?"

Has anyone reached a "level" as high as Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee? If Guru Jee themselves took Amrit and kept full rehat for their whole jeevan how can anyone even think of doing this type of compromise. There are yogis who never sleep and don't eat, does that make them Gursikhs? Certainly not. I am not impressed by these claims that flana baba does not eat or sleep, so what? They cannot even be considered a Sikh if they are not following the 5 Kakkar Rehat. These type of body control powers are piece of cake for the Singhs. If anyone is not following Rehat, despite their various titles and suspected spiritual "levels" we should most certainly question their behaviour, as it not Gurmat, and not acceptable.

If we look at the example of pooran unquestionable brahamgyaani gurmukh Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Jee who kept full rehat their entire life despite enjoying partakh darshan of Vaheguru Jee 24/7 I think this answers our question on if anyone is allowed take off Kakkars or make any other such compromise.

Necklace kirpan cannot be considered Kakkar, Kirpan must be of 6-7 inches or more in length, Sarbloh, in Miaan and in Gatra to be qualified as Kakkar. Some people give only Kirpan Amrit (and not Khanda Bata Amrit) to ladies, is this acceptable? Absolutely not.

The argument to concentrate more on doing Paath and ignore rehat is invalid, we can't just go around doing saying, doing, and eating whatever we want and say I will do extra Sri Jap Ji Sahib to make up for it. We will never get anywhere with this pick and choose approach to Sikhi, it is very dangerous.

Many Singhs today still believe taking Kirpan (or any other Kakkar off) is a kurehit (not bujjar kurehit) but still kurehit. In fact there are many hardcore Singhs in India who refuse to travel by air as it means they would have to take their Kirpan off.

It is Bandi Chor Divas today and I didn't wish to write such a post, but Vaheguru Jee bakshlain menu, here it is.
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Re: confusion
November 05, 2010 09:52AM
Bhai Jaskirat Singh has said it all. A Sikh no matter how high, is still much lower than even the dust of Satguru jee. A Sikh can never become greater than the smallest Hukam of Guru Sahib.

Guru Sahib has not offered us two sets of Rehit - one for high Avastha Gursikhs and another one for low Avastha Gursikhs. There is but only one Rehit for all levels of Gursikhs. In no Puratan Rehitnama is it stated that after reaching a certain state, a Gursikh can stop observing Guru Sahib Rehit e.g. 5 Kakaars, giving Daswandh etc.

When a person does Paath of Gurbani or Naam Abhyaas, it certainly brings Shakti to that person and such person may even do some miracles using this Shakti but if such person does not obey Guru Sahib's Hukam and keep Rehit, then such person cannot reach Pooran Avastha. They may reach high Avastha but they can't reach the Avastha that humble Rehit-obeying Gursikhs of Guru Sahib can reach. Bhai Sahib has written that rare non-Sikh seekers who do vigorous Abhyaas of Kirtam Naam can reach up to Karam Khand. Surely such seekers don't keep Gurmat Rehit but they still reach Karam Khand. Karam Khand too is very high Avastha but it is still lower than the Sachkhandi Avastha of a humble Gursikh of Guru Sahib. This is for non-Sikh seekers who don't know about Guru Sahib but people who know about Sikhi and Guru Sahib, are committing such a blunder by knowingly disobeying Guru Sahib's Rehit.

We must strive to obey Hukams of Guru Sahib and not follow individuals who allegedly have high avastha without keeping Rehit.

Guru Sahib knows better.

Kulbir Singh
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