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answering an christian

Posted by rsingh 
answering an christian
May 16, 2013 12:39PM
Recently I met a Christian who was a former Sikh. Actually he was a typical Punjabi not a religious Sikh when he became a Christian. While having a discussion with him, he would make indirect attacks on the Sikh faith.

Hinting towards Sikhs doing Paath, he said "God doesn't want you to repeat the same thing everyday, he wants you to pray to him", I asked him what do you mean by this?, he said "say if I were to repeat the same thing to you day after day, wouldn't you get sick of hearing from me?" I understood he was indirectly attacking Sikhs doing Paath.

We discussed other points and I answered him on those points. But I want to know how to answer him in the point I mentioned above.
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Don't they say the Lord's prayer everyday?
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Re: answering an christian
May 16, 2013 02:00PM
He was a Jahova's witness and they don't say lord's prayer like other Christians.
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1) The Christian perspective of God, sees God as a "human-like" character. If you (Christians) see God as a human like figure than who would God be more happy with, the person who always remembers him, and makes it his life goal to make sure he never ever forgets God even for one second through repetitive prayer, as well as 3 daily personal prayers of the heart (Ardas), or someone who only prays a few random times during the day.

2) Early Christianity was much more keen on repetitive prayer and mysticism, and followed a more "Eastern-like" philosophy. Early influential Christian figures believed in mystical aspects of Christianty which included hidden or interpretations of Scriptures and contemplation or experiential knowledge of God. Mysticism was a very integral aspect of Christianity, and only after the early 1000's did Christians become the modern faith based Christianity we see today, which believed that non-stop meditation was not important, but that as long as you believed in Jesus you would be saved. During the Early 1000s, the Church was actually spilt between mystic Christianity, and "faith-based" Christianity, and the Church decided to take the more faith based approach, and that is why you (Christians) have the Christianity you have today.

3)Here are some Quotes doing a simple google search on Bible verses on meditation, but you can probally find many more

"God promises good success and a prosperous way to a person who meditates on the Word of God. God instructed Joshua, that this Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success" [Joshua 1:8].

To end the argument, tell them they need to prayer on the the "True-name" which is only recieved through the house of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Only than can they be truly liberated. Proceed by giving them a Blue Chola, A Blue Dastar, a Yellow Keski, Hazooria, and one Bata and Karyaaiee.
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Reciting Gurbani is not to get God listen to us but to get our mind attuned to the Divine Will by cleansing it of impurities. Just like we take a shower everyday to clean our mind, same must be done to clean our mind. So Sikh prayer rather than going upward towards God goes inward towards one's self. If God gets sick of hearing us everyday then that God is false and any comparison between a man and God is Kufr to begin with. By the same argument, doesn't Christian God get tired of hearing "bless us", "save us" from billions of Christians everyday?
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I have noticed that the Jehovah Witnesses are starting to become thorn in our community, but I really dont care as they will convert people who are not cut out for SIkhi anyways.

Some years ago I was walking in a nagar kirtan and I noticed there was a Christian stand in the middle of the parade. I was curious and started looking at the stand from a distance. At this point some Punjabi man with a beard and turban came up to me and said would you like to learn about Baba Ji? I assumed he was talking about Pehli Paatshah but he then gave me a pamphlet with a picture of Jesus . Funny thing was Jesus looked Punjabi,lol. He was big time brainswashed so I decided not to waste my time. I know he was someone who just came from India and they taught him English so he probably feel obliged to convert.

On another occassion I heard someone knocking on my door. When I opened the door I saw an old childhood friend with a white lady. My friend was surprised to see me, and then he started talking about the bible. Because he was an old friend I was polite and told him I was not interested and started closing the door. He then said " Sukhie wait let me recite a verse to you" He then recited a verse from his Punjabi bible which mentioned a person without Jesus is blind. He was an old friend and I kind of pitied him for wasting his human life with such a lame philosophy. It was good that he found a religion that made him happy person, a hard worker and good family man. I decided not to talk down on his faith as it was atleast doing some good for him, and I knew that he would never be a candidate for Gurmat so I decided not to do veechar with him on Gurmat as it would be pointless. I just told him that was nice and it was nice seeing you after so many years and take care. I believe its important to have good relations with other religious people. We should talk about beliefs and practices that are similar instead of arguing about differences. This way people will see Sikhi in a postive light and we dont have to waste our energies on debating.

We really shouldnt waste our time with debating or doing veechars with missionaries. SIkhi is a very distinct path and its very difficult to do parchar on SIkhi to someone who has a mindset that you are going to hell if you dont accept their faith. The claim "God doesn't want you to repeat the same thing everyday, he wants you to pray to him" is pathetic. If we are not to recite his name over and over what else are we suppose to do in life? Knock on peoples door and try to teach them about God when we ourselves forget his name?
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I posted this about 5 years ago and thought you might find it helpful.

The following is the brief version of the conversation I recently had with a Christian fellow and his companion (female). I was at the mall with my wife when suddenly they approached us and after asking few personal questions they got right to their point and discussion took its course. I thought it might help some fellow Sikhs on this forum. It was a healthy discussion and was done in a respectful manner exchanging laughs and joking around.

Christian: Do you guys believe in Jesus?

I: No, we do not believe in any middle man to be the savior.

Christian: So what do you guys believe in?

I: We believe in One God who is all-loving, all-knowing and without hatred but we do not believe we need a middle-man to take us to God. We can directly worship and reach God. We all originate from the same Source (God) and therefore do not believe in sin of Adam and Eve?

Christian (surprisingly): Not believe in sin? Then why are we here?

I: It is will of God. Our presence on earth is not result of anyone’s sin but God’s will.

Christian: What do you consider a sin?

I: Immoral activities such as premarital sex, and consumption of meat, tobacco etc. We value life and hence, do not advocate killing animals for the sake of eating or tasting. Tell me, does Jesus love me even though I don’t believe in him?

Christian: Yes, he does because you are a religious man and worship God.

I: Good. Would he love if I was to become an atheist?

Christian: Yes, he loves all. He is the son of God.

I: We believe all are children of God and we all are created by Him.

Christian: We have many similar beliefs but what we are missing is Jesus. He is the savior and can save us from the sin of Adam and Eve.

I: We do not believe Jesus is the savior because we do not believe in any sin. Why should I be punished for someone else’s crime? I did not exist when Adam ate the apple and had no control over any of the events then why should God punish me? Isn’t that injustice? For us, God judges everyone based on their deeds. For example, if you kill someone the law will not punish your son or someone else. They will come after you. I will not be responsible for your misdeeds. This is the only just way of delivering justice.

Christian (after thinking it over): Well, it is not the sin that is keeping us away from God. What Adam and Eve did happened and is not affecting us but what happened was that their one mistake resulted in humans acquiring knowledge and becoming corrupt. Earth became impure and so did humans so God kicked us out. Only God is the purest of pure and going to Jesus one becomes pure and then saved.

I: I agree God is pure but if earth became impure then what would you say about Mars and other planets? God’s creation is perfect. He put balance in everything. If there was no bad then no one would value good. He gave us knowledge to distinguish good from bad and realize the true path. Salvation is not easy. Life is a struggle and so is reaching God but it comes with knowledge of the true path. We do not believe human race started from Adam and Eve. If eating apple got them kicked out then what would you say about people on earth eating the same fruit?

Christian: It wasn’t the apple. It was the fruit of knowledge which made them aware of good and bad.

I: Then isn’t it the same knowledge you used to realize that Jesus is your savior? If they knew what good was then they could’ve asked for forgiveness right then unless you believe that they only knew bad and Jesus brought goodness?

Christian: Hmmm…What do you believe separates us from God?

I: Greed, lust, anger, egotism and emotional attachment to something that is temporary. Attachment only to God is the right way because He will hold your arm in this world and hereafter. Your spouse and children will leave you after your death but God will not. We are taught to be responsible and fulfill our family needs but attachment should only be with God.

Christian: Well, the reason I think Jesus is the savior is because I used to do drugs and indulge in bad habits which I forsake after getting to know Jesus. I was wondering how to make sure that I was saved but then I talked to other Christians and told them about the visions of angels I had and according to them that was the sign that I was saved.

I: You will find people in every religion who have had visions. Many Sikhs have had visions of prophets including Jesus and Mohammad and other holy saints but this is not the end of it. All prophets were sent by God so I can equally have visions of Jesus and angels because I meditate upon the same God. Having visions is far below salvation. We believe Naam or meditation is the only savior which purifies our soul. God’s light resides within all of us and when the light merges with the Source Light (God) will we achieve salvation. Visions and miraculous powers are only tip of the iceberg and part of it. We do not believe in Jesus because he took birth and died. Someone who himself is in the cycle of birth and death cannot save me. God Himself can save us and we worship Him only.

Christian: Jesus is different. Jesus did not die. He woke up three days later and lived for forty days. Then he went and prophesized that he will be back. Many Christians have had vision of Jesus and they could clearly see body and flesh.

I: But he did die a physical death. We believe death does not exist because soul lives for eternity and never dies. But physical death does exist in which this body perishes. I hardly doubt Jesus appears as a human to people. He may use human body as a vessel so people could see him but I do not think he will bleed if someone was to shoot him. Right?

Christian: I agree. I never thought of it like that. You are right. He did die a physical death. But he said he will be back after he came back alive.

I: Let me ask you. Are you sin free?

Christian: Yes. I can sin but right now I am without any sin because Jesus has saved me and I will go to heaven.

I: Who created heaven and hell?

Christian: God did.

I: And where is God?

Christian: He is in heaven.

I: If God created heaven and He is in heaven now then where was he before he created heaven?

Christian: That’s an interesting question. I do not know. I never thought about it before.

I: You may say we both believe in One God but the God we believe in is not as same as Christian God. You believe Satan is in hell and God in heaven but for us God is everywhere and he created heavens and hells as temporary places. Everyone does good and bad deeds in their lives. For good deeds they go to heaven and for bad they go to hell. Then the cycle of life and death continues. Salvation comes only when one becomes as pure as God and light within us merges with God’s light. If I end up in hell then how can God save me? He must be in hell in order to save me otherwise I will always be in hell. Further, how can God send me to a place he has no control over? If I do bad deeds and follow satan then hell should be like a party place to me and satan should be my friend. Why would satan punish me for following him? This is why we do not believe in Adam and Eve story. We believe God created everything and He is everywhere. By saying God is not in hell you are putting limits on him. He is everywhere including hell. This is how people in hell get saved. He alone controls everything.

Christian: Well, coming of Jesus was prophesized by God in the beginning of the creation and God said to Adam that he will send a savior. It is written in Bible, the word of God.

I: Jesus came and died. His death cannot serve the purpose of achieving salvation. He died 2000 years ago whereas I was born only 25 years ago. So how could he have died for me when I did not exist? If he died for our sins then his death would’ve erased all of the sins on this earth and I would’ve been free already. If I still have to submit to him, follow Bible and do my part then clearly his death is not saving me. It is the message that saves. This is another reason why we follow the principles delivered by God to us. Message is the savior not a human body.

We follow our religious scripture which we believe is the word of God. It was penned down by the founders of religion and finalized by them. We have many copies from that time in their original form bearing the signature of approval. Also, the script the message is written in was finalized by the founder. We have the same message that was delivered. We believe only Guru or True Guru is the savior because prophets or messengers deliver the message and work for God whereas Guru is God himself and God speaks in the Guru.

Christian: We believe Jesus is God too.

I: But you said he is son of God just like I am and that makes him my elder brother not God. God and his son are two different beings. God does not take birth or die.

Christian: So do you guys pray? Because we want to pray for you and you will see the power of Christ.

I: Yes we pray to God. We are taught to pray as a way of thanking him for giving us what we have. He has given us everything for free and instead of asking for more and more we thank him for what we have. He will always give us more because he is the giver but only when we deserve it.

Christian: Yes, true.

Then I quickly got up and said, “I gotta go now”. He stopped talking and said, “Well, whenever you have time please come to our church. We sign God’s praises and eat and have fun.” I said, “Sure, I will see when I have time.”

The conversation lasted about 1.5 hours but I left out many chunks and topics to keep it short. He thanked me for learning something new and then we went our own ways.
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Re: answering an christian
May 16, 2013 05:21PM
rsingh Wrote:
> Hinting towards Sikhs doing Paath, he said "God
> doesn't want you to repeat the same thing
> everyday, he wants you to pray to him", I asked
> him what do you mean by this?, he said "say if I
> were to repeat the same thing to you day after
> day, wouldn't you get sick of hearing from me?" I
> understood he was indirectly attacking Sikhs doing
> Paath.

Repetition is the mother of all skill - and no matter what skill - religion, exams,dicipline,meditation or whatever else. - if there was no repetition mankind wouldn't progress at all. Ask him what is in life he/she doesn;'t do without repetition - does he not feed himself? repetition, wash everyday repetition - we cannot exist without repetiton - therefore naam Gurbani repetition is just as important in life to self police oneself.
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The Updesh of Gurmat is Enshrined in Gurbani

It give instruction to every one
It says on Panna 494

ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਸਮਾਇਆ ॥੪॥੫॥
Gurbani has Har-Naam (Tat Gian) in it.
Only a blessed wisdom (Bibek Budhi) obtains that Naam from Gurbani through through Understanding.

All others including SIKHS fall in the category of mere readers as mentioned below

ਨਾਨਕ ਵਿਣੁ ਨਾਵੈ ਕੋ ਥਿਰੁ ਨਹੀ ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਹੋਇ ਖੁਆਰੁ ॥੨॥ Panna 84
O Nanak, without the Har-Naam, nothing is permanent; those who read and read are ruined. ||2||

ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਥਾਕੇ ਸਾਂਤਿ ਨ ਆਈ ॥ Panna 120
People who only read and recite grow weary, but they do not find peace.

ਬੇਦ ਪਾਠ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਕੀ ਕਾਰ ॥
Reading the religious scriptures is a mere formality of this world.



Gurbanee's Opdesh

ਸਲੋਕ ਮ; ੩ ॥
ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਜਿਨੀ ਨ ਸੇਵਿਓ ਸਬਦਿ ਨ ਕੀਤੋ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ ॥
ਅੰਤਰਿ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਨ ਆਇਓ ਮਿਰਤਕੁ ਹੈ ਸੰਸਾਰਿ ॥
ਲਖ ਚਉਰਾਸੀਹ ਫੇਰੁ ਪਇਆ ਮਰਿ ਜੰਮੈ ਹੋਇ ਖੁਆਰੁ ॥
Salok, Third Mehla:
Who do not contemplate the Gist of Shabad are actually not serving the SATGUR (Not Satguru)
Spiritual wisdom does not enter into their hearts; they are like dead bodies in the world.
They go through the cycle of 8.4 million reincarnations, and they are ruined through death and rebirth.

Please watch which way we are going
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These jehovah witnesses ....
One thing we need to understand is that all of the semitic religions are largely concerned with Do's and Don'ts. Their idea of religion is also largely devoid of spirituality. All they are thinking is what we must do and what we must not. Nobody is concerned about experiencing God in this very body. Here are some points:

- They believe that everything bad happening here one earth is the work of Devil.
- They do not believe God is everywhere, they believe He is is heaven.
- They believe bible is the God's own word.

Now, how we should answer them:
Qualities of a Brahmagyani- Ask them can God be expereinced here and now? Of course they shall say yes and then they shall probably talk of peace of mind and happiness (all simple states a lay mind can exist in). In reply we should let them know what their religion holds out and what our Brahmagyan holds out. Our brahmgyanis like Shaheed Bhai Mani Singh Ji and Shahid Baba Deep Singh Ji, realized that deepest of mysteries of body and soul and they attained such an unfliching supra-charged and heightened spiritual state that they could go beyond body and readily die on the path of righteousness. A Brahmgyani's avastha has been explained in detail in Sukhmani Sahib. Can any of of the innumerable exalted and holy qualities of Brahmgyani be promised as achievable by the Jehovah Witnesses? Not at all. Nowhere near.

Real and actual Experience of Oneness I am not going into Dvaita and Advaita debate, just making a point that with Naam/Gurbani we can experience REAL, ACTUAL Unity with IKONKAR which is the root of ALL EXISTENCE. This is what out saints and brahmgyanis have expereinced. Can these Jehovah Witnesses make such a claim? The answer is NO.

Mental State of a Spiritual Person/ What Goes on in His Mind? Naam/Gurbani deals with the mind at micro level. At every moment a Saint/Brahmagyani is experiencing Supreme Love and Existence. A Gurmukh enters into this avastha by Naam/Gurbani which goes on inside 24/7. Whereas these witnesses do not pray 24/7. So clearly there are big chunks of time in their lives when other thoughts run rampant in their brains. Are they in those time-chunks spiritual persons or just ordinary persons? Our Brahmgyanis experience God 24/7.

TRUEST OF LOVERS What kind of lover remembers his/her love only sometimes? Can he/she be claimed to be truely, madly and deeply in love? Our Brahmagyani Saints are TRUEST OF LOVERS OF GOD. Why? BECAUSE THEY LET NOT EVEN A MOMENT GO IN WHICH THEY FORGET GOD. Gurbani says:
Ik Til Pyara Visre, Rog Vadda Man Mahe.

Now who is higher? The person who 'sometimes' pray? Or the person who remembers ALL THE TIME. NOT JUST IN MORNING OR AFTERNOO OR EVENING OR 5 TIMES OR ANYTHING. ALL THE TIME, EACH AND EVERY MOMENT OF HIS LIFE!!

Word of God We should also stress that Bible is not the word of God because it has not been written by any prophet himself. It was NOT written by Jesus. Where as Gurbani was written by the Holy Gurus themselves and each and every word has come from Sachkhand!

Jesus gained his spiritual knowledge from India This is very important. There is evidence that Jesus gained his knowledge from India and later on when he survived crucifixation he escaped back to India dn lived out his life in Kashmir! In fact Jesus's grave is still there! Along with Moses who had gone to India in his time too. You can google this and get more information. There is a TON of info on this. I request PLEASE READ UP ON THIS TOPIC. This is the proof that Indian viewpoint of Par-Brahma is the correct one and the Semitic religions got it all wrong!

Jesus's Miracles- We have so many stories of miracles in our religion that what Jesus did seems nothing special. By bathing in our holy waters crows become Swans! Jesus's miracles are just normal for a saint to have. In fact we consider these miracles as something which are not to attached any importance for the fear of ego inflation. Anybody can gain ridhis and siddhis by connecting with Naam/Gurbani.
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There is a strong need to produce a document especially as an answer for Jehovah's Witnesses. Let it take a year, but a counter prachar based on such a document is really necessary. All the jathas whether is AKJ or Sant samaj or Nanaksar or Damdami Taksal or Rara Sahib should combine their forces on this one. This is a common challenge of times we are facing here in the West.

A well studied, research based counter prachar is the need of the hour here in North America. An effort should be made to make the document a reference booklet which is available online as well as in print. But of course it should be online first so that anyone can print off and use.

Remember brothers there was a time when Arya Samaj and christian church missionaries posed a similar challenge in Lahore before partition. Great Sikh Scholars like Giani Ditt Singh ji, Bhai Vir Singh and many others were there at that time to spearhead Singh sabha and other efforts.

You know its difficult to express what one feels (owing allegiance to Guru Nanak) when one has to face a preaching which wants you to convert.

ਸਾਡਾ ਤੇ ਇਹਨਾ ਦੀ ਵਿਚਾਰਧਾਰਾ ਤੇ ਅਨੁਭਵ ਬਿਲਕੁਲ ਹਿ ਵਖੋ ਵਖ ਨੇ . ਬੜਾ ਔਖਾ ਮਹਿਸੂਸ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ . ਕਿਥੇ ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਤੇ ਕਿਥੇ ਐਵੇਂ ਕਹਾਣੀਆ ਦੀ ਕਿਤਾਬ , ਕੀ ਸਮਝਾਈਏ ਇਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਦੀ ਵਡਿਆਈ ?
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Re: answering an christian
May 17, 2013 06:49AM
Khalsa Panth nu Bajan Wale Sahib-e-Kamal Walli-e-do-Jahan Baadshah Darvesh Kalgidhar Dasmesh Pita Dhan Dhan Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaaj ne apne hatha naal sajaya hai.

Kuch nahi hona hai Khalsa Panth nu. Asi apni rehit di chinta jada kariye te shukar manaiye apne Guru Sahib Jee da jo Amrit mil gaya. Sur Nar Jan Mun Amrit khojde - aaj tak nahi milya unna nu.

What we are seeing happening currently is nothing. The darkest night of Kalyug is yet to come. Kalyug will engulf itself. All the Koor Prachar and Koor Praja will be gone. All the Koor literature will be gone. No religious text will be availabe. Only the Bani that is Kanth will stay. With that Kanth Bani the Ladeevaar Swaroop will be written. Then the Dawn of Khalsa will happen becasue there will be Prakash of only one granth and i.e. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. New Era will start, Poora Prabh aaradhya jayega te Poore Prabh de gunn gaaye jaange.

Agami Khed hai. Asi apna dimaag ghat layiye te kamai jada kar ke jayiye.

Bhul Chuk Maaf.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
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Re: answering an christian
May 17, 2013 11:26AM
thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge. I now understand the difference between our prayer and their concept of prayer. Their concept of prayer is that they talk to God, similar to how we do ardas(they call that prayer). While when we do paath or simran we do it not to have a conversation, but to clean the Janam Janam di Mail from our Mann.

I notice they have targeted many Sikhs for conversion. They have printed their pamphlets in Punjabi. They have a whole team of experts who are writing articles in Punjabi and translating the bible into simple to understand modern Punjabi. While we should be concearned about this, but at the same time we can learn from them and utilize some of these skills in doing Parchar of Sikhi. Sikhi is without a doubt the greatest Dharm of all, yet we have done a lousy job in spreading this magnificent dharm to the world.
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Re: answering an christian
May 17, 2013 06:34PM
rsingh Wrote:
> thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge. I now
> understand the difference between our prayer and
> their concept of prayer. Their concept of prayer
> is that they talk to God, similar to how we do
> ardas(they call that prayer). While when we do
> paath or simran we do it not to have a
> conversation, but to clean the Janam Janam di Mail
> from our Mann.
> I notice they have targeted many Sikhs for
> conversion. They have printed their pamphlets in
> Punjabi. They have a whole team of experts who are
> writing articles in Punjabi and translating the
> bible into simple to understand modern Punjabi.
> While we should be concearned about this, but at
> the same time we can learn from them and utilize
> some of these skills in doing Parchar of Sikhi.
> Sikhi is without a doubt the greatest Dharm of
> all, yet we have done a lousy job in spreading
> this magnificent dharm to the world.

100% true - this is one thing where they excel - they do with love pyar nimratta - there is no haume when it's concerning spreading their teachings. Whereas our problem is if it's not my jathebandi's way then it;'s the highway jog on don't ask again.SGGS says "Jahaa Khimaaan tahaan aaap" - our nimrata is nowhere as we ego in what our version of a particular maryada is even it's the right one.This is biggest disease - therefore it yeilds no results as there is no communication with joe avaerage.
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Repeating Baani and Gurmantar produces vibrations which brings changes inside our body, brain and mind. Repetion is ABSOLUTELY required. Here is a video documentary which talks about structure of water and how good thoughts, emotions, holy words have an effect on the structure of water. When we recite Gurmantar and Baani the water inside us is changing its structure! The brain is changin, the mind is changing!


Keertan does the same thing, its purifies us, at all levels, chemical, energetic, thought/emotion and spiritual level. This video is a must watch. No wonder Guru Sahib prepared Khande-Baate da amrit. In fact I think soon the value of Sarabloh utensils will soon be discovered.
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Re: answering an christian
May 20, 2013 12:13PM
eyesacademic Wrote:
> Repeating Baani and Gurmantar produces vibrations
> which brings changes inside our body, brain and
> mind. Repetion is ABSOLUTELY required. Here is a
> video documentary which talks about structure of
> water and how good thoughts, emotions, holy words
> have an effect on the structure of water. When we
> recite Gurmantar and Baani the water inside us is
> changing its structure! The brain is changin, the
> mind is changing!
> [www.youtube.com]
> Keertan does the same thing, its purifies us, at
> all levels, chemical, energetic, thought/emotion
> and spiritual level. This video is a must watch.
> No wonder Guru Sahib prepared Khande-Baate da
> amrit. In fact I think soon the value of Sarabloh
> utensils will soon be discovered.

already discoverd sir:


read the comments at the bottom- every bit of Guru Sahiban's teaching will be discovered and adhered to in future there is no other way for mankind and this planet earth!!!!
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ਮਨਮੁਖੁ ਲੋਕੁ ਸਮਝਾਈਐ ਕਦਹੁ ਸਮਝਾਇਆ ਜਾਇ ॥
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