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All amritdharis are ok? Right?

Posted by Aalas Moorakh 
I was just thinking about this analogy, which for me helps explain the question about what happens to sikhs who follow some or all rehats, do they obtain the same goal.

Lets set the scenario of an exam. In this exam there will be mainly 3 types of students. The first group who do not care about the exam, they have no interest in revising and are only there because its compulsory. The second group you have, they do care about the exam, but they are a bit lazy and question the reason for the exam and therefore do not do as much revision as they should. Then you have the 3rd group who love the exam and love revising, they want to do the best at the exam and hope to pass.

The results

Anything below 50% is a fail and anything over 50% is a pass. The first group fails and the second and thrid group pass. So now you might be thinking well thats great, the ones that didnt revise as much have still passed, so theres no difference between the 2nd and 3rd group, right? Well the 2nd group got between 50 to 60% and the 3rd group got 90% plus.


No university wants the first group, they failed and are unable to enrol to any university. The second group are srapping with each other to find places at a select few universities and begging them to be accepted, who will allow low pass mark students. These Universities are poor performers.as they are temporary

The 3rd group dont have to apply or fight to find a place at a university, instead the best university in the world contacts them to offer them a place.

I hope this has made sense, but the revision is our rehat. The more rehat we keep and follow guru sahibs bachans the more success we will achieve spiritually in our life (exam). The results and universities are what we achieve and where we end up (Khand).

Moral, just because you have been blessed with amrit does not mean you are entitled to a direct ticket to Sach Khand, you must obey all bachans of Guru Sahib.

Meri matt thoree, so I do apologise for any mistakes.
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Good analogy Singho!

I think one of the reasons people don't keep rehat especially amongst the youth is they see elder Singhs who have some spiritual success not keeping some mandatory rehats, and they come under the impression they too do not need any rehat. I have heard so many people say so and so doesn't keep Bibek but he still is a naam abhyiaasi singh. At one point of my early Amritdhari life I became a victim of this mentality. What I have learned is we cant make any progression as long as we try to copy others or see what others are doing. Its best to learn and follow according to the best of our ability and pay no concern what others are doing. In puratan times Rehat was encouraged but nowadays you get ostracized if you keep rehat or try to propagate rehat.
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Its a shame that the elders who are an example, relax on some rehats as what you say starts to happen. I believe there was a saakhi where Baba Buddha Ji stopped taking ishnaan in the mornings, he has reached the pinnacle of spirituality and perhaps became relaxed over this rehat. However, others started copying him and complaining to guru sahib, who then had to tell Baba ji that no matter how elevated you become you must still adhere to all the rehats. (im not sure how accurate this saakhi is, but it just goes to show that even someone like Baba Buddha Ji was not allowed to become relaxed on rehat!).
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Nice sakhi I never heard that one before
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